HR Metrics & Analytics

Data Literacy Module 1 Quiz

Use this quiz to assess the comprehension of core content from the Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 1 training.

Data Literacy Module 2 Quiz

Use this quiz to assess the comprehension of core content from the Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 2 training.

Data Literacy Module 3 Quiz

Use this quiz to assess the comprehension of core content from the Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 3 training.

Facilitator Answer Key: Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 1

Use this answer key to guide activities provided within the Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 1 training deck.

HR Analytics Workbook

Use this workbook to capture key information in one place throughout HR analytics agenda development.

Facilitator Answer Key: Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 3

Use this answer key to guide activities provided within the Data Literacy for HR Professionals Module 3 training deck.

Use Dashboards to Become a Data-Driven HR Function Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for using dashboards to become a data-driven HR function to the executive team.

Develop an Effective Talent Retention Plan Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for a plan to anticipate and address regrettable turnover.

Case Studies: Develop an Effective Talent Retention Plan

Refer to these case studies for examples of implemented talent retention plans.

Use Dashboards to Become a Data-Driven HR Function Storyboard

Data-driven decision making is a top priority for organizations. Create dashboards to present data and metrics in an effective way and provide insights and...
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