Develop an Offboarding Plan to Manage Risk and Transition Employees Effectively

Plan ahead to promote positive departure experiences and minimize the impact of involuntary turnover.


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A poorly defined offboarding plan present several dangers:

  • A decrease in team morale and performance.
  • Negatively impacted internal and external client relationships.
  • Damaged intellectual and physical property.
  • Lack of knowledge transfer.
  • Increase in organizational costs.
  • Damaged employer brand.

A well-defined offboarding plan will help:

  • Mitigate the risks associated with involuntary turnover.
  • Protect organizational knowledge and corporate brand.
  • Minimize the negative spillover of the departure to team members.
  • Promote brand ambassadors.

Book Your Workshop

Workshops are a great way to accelerate your project. Our highly skilled facilitators take you through key phases of your project and ensure your team has the guidance needed to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Develop an Offboarding Plan

The Purpose

  • Create and document policies to ensure consistency and minimize risk.
  • Identify termination procedures and discuss termination communication.
  • Create procedures to facilitate the transfer of important information.
  • Develop exit survey and exit interview procedures.
  • Customize tools to ensure smooth departures.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Develop customized, standardized offboarding policies, procedures, and tools.
  • Mitigate the risks of voluntary departures through standardized knowledge transfer templates.
  • Mitigate the risks associated with involuntary turnover through standard processes and tools.
  • Minimize the negative spillover of the departure to team members.
  • Protect your organizational brand with respectful offboarding.
  • Leverage alumni as brand ambassadors.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Assess your need for a formal offboarding program.
1.2 Develop a list of your organization’s required policies and identify the necessary tasks.
  • Defined offboarding-related policies, with documented policy and process owners and timelines
1.3 Develop a communication plan to address voluntary departures.
  • Customized offboarding communication plan
1.4 Customize the Knowledge Transfer Template for your organization.
  • Customized knowledge transfer process
1.5 Customize the Exit Interview Template for your organization.
  • Customized Exit Interview Template
1.6 Tailor the Employee Departure Checklist Tool to ensure offboarding efficacy.
  • Tailored Employee Departure Checklist
1.7 Draft an Exit Summary document to finalize the offboarding details for the departing employee.
  • Customized Exit Summary document
1.8 Brainstorm ways to build morale in your team after an employee departure.
  • Documented initiatives to rebuild team morale post-departure