Design an Employee Volunteer Program

Maximize shared value for the organization, employees, and the community through an employee-powered volunteer program.


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Without a volunteer program that considers employee choice, employees often:

  • Lack the time for volunteering activities.
  • Do not have the ability or motivation to begin volunteer initiatives that the company hasn’t facilitated.
  • Are less likely to participate if they don’t have choice in and affinity toward the cause offered.

After enabling volunteerism, companies experienced:

  • Faster revenue growth, process innovation, and product innovation.
  • Increased employee engagement, purpose at work, and job satisfaction.
  • Lower turnover.

Book Your Workshop

Workshops are a great way to accelerate your project. Our highly skilled facilitators take you through key phases of your project and ensure your team has the guidance needed to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Frame the Employee Volunteer Program

The Purpose

  • Determine program scope, metrics, and goals.
  • Assess current initiatives and level of employee interest.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Established program scope, metrics, and goals
  • Reviewed current initiatives and level of employee interest

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Review organizational implications to set program scope.
  • Organizational implications reviewed
1.2 Examine organizational data to determine program needs.
  • Organizational data examined
1.3 Review existing volunteerism and employee interests.
  • Existing volunteerism and employee interests reviewed
1.4 Set program goals and metrics.
  • Program goals and metrics set
1.5 Review and select elements.
  • Elements selected
1.6 Decide parameters of selected elements.
  • Selected elements parameters decided

Module 2: Operationalize the Program

The Purpose

  • Decide on strategic initiatives, program management, and technology that may be necessary.
  • Integrate with existing HR programs.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Assessed strategic initiatives, program management, and technology required
  • Integrated existing HR programs

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Assess the feasibility of selected elements.
  • Feasibility of selected elements assessed
2.2 Review internal data to decide if a strategic cause will be selected.
  • Internal data reviewed
2.3 Decide on and draft a volunteer program manager role.
  • Program manager role drafted
2.4 Decide if technology will be used.
  • Technology use decided
2.5 Identify required integration points with other HR program areas.
  • HR program integration points identified

Module 3: Plan to Iterate and Implement the Program

The Purpose

  • Set the program parameters.
  • Incorporate volunteer recognition practices and share the program’s impact.
  • Solicit feedback to evaluate and iterate the program.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Determined program parameters
  • Integrated recognition practices
  • Generated methods to gather feedback.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Determine required policies, guidelines, and procedures.
  • Policies, guidelines, and procedures required determined
3.2 Identify ways to track and share impact.
  • Ways to track and share impact identified
3.3 Identify how employees will be recognized.
  • Employee recognition methods identified
3.4 Determine how feedback will be gathered for program evaluation.
  • Program feedback gathering determined
3.5 Create an action and communication plan.
  • Communications planned