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Build and Implement a 9-Box Talent Grid Process to Review Employee Talent

If you want to successfully develop talent, you've got to start by effectively evaluating it.

As the Head of HR, I want to build a talent review strategy that will accurately and consistently assess employees, classify employee talent in a meaningful manner, be supported and used by the business, and that will lead the way for the development of employee talent.

Your Challenge

The HR Leader:

  • Does not have a solid talent review strategy.
  • Isn’t able to assess employees and identify high potentials, future leaders, placements for succession plans, and employees for other various talent development programs.
  • Does not have a simple, consistent way of measuring and assessing talent that can be used for all levels throughout the organization.
  • Is unsure if current talent is available for achieving the current and future business strategy.
  • Is experiencing high turnover due to lack of targeted growth opportunities for employees.

Our Solution

This is an opportunity for the HR Leader to:

  • Accurately and consistently assess employee talent.
  • Create succession plans for key roles, determine future leaders, and identify at risk employees.
  • Help to create a more focused recruitment strategy and reduce recruitment costs.
  • Make better promotion, transfer, and job fit decisions.
  • Determine who potential future leaders are so they can begin to prepare them for future roles.
  • Give employees growth opportunities within the organization which can reduce turnover and increase morale.
  • Give managers an effective tool that will highlight their team’s performance, help them leverage talent for projects, and develop robust talent development plans with their employees. 

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Research Coming Soon

Search Code: 75847
Last Revised: August 28, 2014