Select a Technology Implementation Partner Workbook

Author(s): Jodi Callaghan, Lisa Highfield, Ruffa Delfin, Sarah Ord

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Use this tool to record and compile identified critical success factors and needs in McLean & Company's Select a Technology Implementation Partner blueprint to develop RFx statements.

  • Document components of the organization’s technology strategy.
  • Document the digital HR strategy goals, organizational values, internal skills, capacity to deliver each communication need, and process change needs to develop an RFX statement.
  • Document responses to service needs and project-scale reflection questions. Document requirements to demonstrate the potential implementation partner's required level of proven success.
  • Document product knowledge and industry knowledge needs and develop an RFx statement.
  • Document project methodology options and their pros and cons, and then identify the preferred methodology and develop an RFx statement.
  • Document the required resources and their current availability and develop an RFX statement.
  • List names of potential partners, including their website and any additional information.

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