Provide Automated Business Insights to Executives During Crisis Situations as Part of Business Continuity Planning

Author(s): Reddy Doddipalli

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With the global pandemic, businesses are ramping up business continuity plans that require health monitoring of their business units on continuous basis. Industries are wondering how their data is being managed and used effectively, while organizations are heavily focused on mission-critical, day-to-day operations. Senior leadership teams need to monitor key metrics that affect their business units. This mandates an effort towards generating automated insights. Revisit, review, revamp, and operationalize these insights by influencing crisis variables. One can think of how critical these insights are in Healthcare, Emergency Response, Pharmaceuticals, Retail, Travel, and Hospitality during the COVID-19 crisis. Info-Tech Research Group’s technical insight elevates the importance of data and its operations and how organizations can take next steps as part of business continuity planning.

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