HR Strategy - Storyboard

Develop an Effective Talent Retention Plan Storyboard

Use this blueprint to build retention plans based on the analysis of employee data and feedback to identify key reasons for their departure.

Get Started With HR Analytics Storyboard

Analytics is a powerful tool to answer business questions, explain or explore metrics, and plan for the future. Understand how to build upon metrics and data to provide...

Training Deck: Train Managers to Build Key Resilience Behaviors

Today’s leaders are faced with constant change and increasing complexity. Equip your leaders to be able to better respond to this environment with an understanding of key...

Build a Resilient HR Team Storyboard

The changing world of work continues to increase the pressure experienced by HR professionals, leaving them vulnerable to chronic work stress and burnout. Develop a...

Develop Business Continuity Management Response Plans Storyboard

This storyboard follows best practices to help you develop crisis response plans.

Nudges: A Paradigm for HR to Influence Employee Behavior Storyboard

Employees are often unaware of the impact that biases and heuristics have on their decisions. Map out the decision-making process of employees and develop ethical nudges...

Determine the Right HR Outsourcing Solution for Your Organization Storyboard

Deciding whether to outsource HR functions is not an easy task. Perform a thorough evaluation of your options and arrive at a best-fit solution for your organization.

Navigate Change Storyboard

Change is inevitable, but managing change doesn't have to be complicated. Assess organizational readiness for change, identify the potential impact, develop an action and...
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