Vision, Mission & Values Pre- & Post-Implementation Scorecard

Author(s): Peter Wong, Hermione Shou, Carmel O'Meara-Morrison

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The Vision, Mission & Values Pre- and Post-Implementation Scorecard has several components:

  • The Vision Scorecard tab allows you to assess whether or not the organization's vision is a priority for improvement before the refresh process, and whether or not the organization's vision is strongly, moderately, or weakly demonstrated in your organization after the refresh.
  • The Mission Scorecard tab allows you to assess whether or not the organization's mission is a priority for improvement before the refresh process, and whether or not the organization's mission is strongly, moderately, or weakly demonstrated in your organization after the refresh.
  • The Values Scorecard tab allows you to assess whether or not the organization’s values are still a priority for improvement before the refresh process, and whether or not the organization's values are strongly, moderately, or weakly demonstrated in your organization after the refresh.

The Results tab provides a summary of your assessments based on the tabs you have completed and will allow you to compare the score of your vision, mission, and values before and after the refresh.

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