Storyboard: Effectively Communicate and Enforce HR Policies

Author(s): Jennifer Perrier, Ashley Michael

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Even though you’ve gone through the process of determining which policies are needed and writing them effectively, you’re not done yet! Policies then need to be well communicated and stored in an accessible location so that employees know they exist and can refer back to them. Lastly, policies must be enforced consistently, otherwise their purpose is defeated. Use this storyboard to help you communicate and enforce your policies to maximize their effectiveness.

Specifically, this storyboard will:

  • Provide advice for communication methods according to the policy’s risk.
  • Outline the decisions that need to be made regarding how the message will be communicated (i.e. who communicates, when do they communicate, what do they say)
  • Offer advice on how to plan for and overcome certain communication barriers.
  • Discuss where policies should be stored according to the nature of the organization.
  • Help HR communicate to managers what their role is in policy enforcement, and when to escalate.
  • Help in the choosing of an appropriate course of action when policies are violated, according to the severity of the violation.

Use this storyboard to guide your policy communicating and enforcing.

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