Tools & Templates

Role Transition Plan Template

Use this template in conjunction with the Knowledge Transfer Job Aid to effectively track the transition between roles.

Success Profile Template

Use this template to outline the minimum requirements for your critical roles.

Knowledge Transfer Job Aid

Use this tool to determine how to facilitate a transfer of knowledge between a role incumbent and a successor of a critical role.

Succession Plan Template

Use this template to record your organization's succession plan.

Cost-Cutting Planning Tool

Use this tool to create a cost-cutting plan.

Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool

The Knowledge Transfer Risk Assessment Tool is used to identify the risk profile of knowledge sources and the knowledge they have.

Voluntary Departure Letter Template

Use this template to provide voluntarily departing employees with key information prior to leaving the organization.

Termination Logistics Tool

Use this tool to carry out and communicate terminations smoothly through thoughtful planning and consideration of the termination's impact.

Exit Summary Template

Exit Summaries are short documents that help ensure all departing employees leave the organization with the necessary information about final pay, benefits, and contact...

Knowledge Transfer Template

Use this template to ensure that job-related knowledge is not lost when employees leave the organization.
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