Talent Management

Skills Inventory Tool

Use this tool to document the skills that exist in the workforce.

Performance Management Effectiveness Scorecard

Use this tool to better understand what is and isn't working with your current performance management framework.

Strategy Discovery Tool

Use this tool to identify your knowledge gaps that will help ensure the talent strategy is focused on the right priorities, and pinpoint the relevant activities and...

Move Toward Neuro-Friendly HR Practices Infographic

Use this infographic to ensure your HR practices are increasingly and consistently neuro-friendly.

9-Box Job Aid

The success of the 9-box is crucially dependent on the accuracy of the assessments used to plot talent on the grid, and the development opportunities it is used to...

Flexible Succession Planning Tracking Tool

Use this tool to group critical roles, create role group profiles, fill talent pools for each role group, and assess employee readiness to assume a role within the role group.

Develop a Leadership Strategy to Drive Organizational Results

Leadership is critical to organizational success. Effective leadership improves employee engagement and reduces turnover, but most importantly, it drives bottom-line...
  • guided implementation icon

Retention Plan Workbook

Use this tool to document the components of the talent retention analysis, including calculating the cost of turnover.

Career Path Assessment, Action, and Communication Plan

Use this template to record decisions on career moves and assess the alignment of HR practices.

Retention Solutions Catalog

Use this catalog to explore and understand common retention solutions and their ideal uses.
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