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Software Licensing Manager

The role of the Software Licensing Manager is to support, manage, and administer contracts for software and application services and products across the organization. The...

VP of Information Technology

Reporting directly to the CEO/President, the VP of IT's role is to plan, coordinate, direct, and design all operational activities of the IT department, as well as...

HR Technology Collaboration Business Analyst

The HR Technology Collaboration Business Analyst plays a pivotal role in ensuring that IT understands business requirements for collaboration by creating a strategic...

Employee Performance Measures Template

The Employee Performance Measures Template provides an all-in-one tool for tracking your departmental goals, employee performance measures, reporting requirements, and...

Leadership Development Program Cost-Benefit Analysis Tool

This tool is designed to help you calculate the hard costs and benefits of your leadership development program. The results of a comprehensive financial analysis will...

Secondment Policy

Secondment assignments provide an excellent opportunity for individual professional development while fulfilling business needs. A clear and comprehensive policy is...

Retirement Policy

Retirement is an important transition for both the departing employee and the organization. A well-planned retirement policy will save you time and grief in the long run.

Rehiring Policy

While former employees are an increasingly important part of the talent pool, lack of clear rehiring procedures may result in unnecessary costs and resentment. A...

Probationary Period Policy

A new hire's first months on the job can make or break an employment relationship. A clear and comprehensive policy governing probationary period is crucial for managing...

Onboarding Policy

A new hire's first days of employment determine their first impression of the organization. A well-organized onboarding process helps ensure it is a positive one, driving...
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