Training Deck: Onboard New Hires for Ramp-up & Retention

Author(s): Marsha Watson

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Most new hires decide whether or not they are committed to the organization within their first six months on the job. Engaging in thorough onboarding not only helps to retain these new employees, but also drives their engagement and productivity – all of which drive business results.

Comprehensive onboarding is crucial to long-term organizational success – and it’s easy to do.

  • Onboarding is not simply orientation. The traditional orientation program is still around, but now it is just one component of a comprehensive onboarding program that includes administration, training, and performance management.
  • Onboarding has many benefits, including quickened time-to-performance, higher employee engagement, and reduced turnover. It has also been linked to high organizational performance.

Use this training deck to go through all of the individual activities that will make your onboarding program a success.

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