Podcasts and Videos

CHRO Roundtable: Digital transformation is here, how is HR moving forward?

A distinguished panel of senior HR executives share their experiences with HR technology and the role HR can play in supporting the ongoing digital transformation...

Webinar: Pitching Change Through HR Transformation and Influence

In this webinar celebrating Excellence in HR, Vivian Mora of Camarillo Properties discusses her background and uses swimming as a metaphor to discuss how adversity builds...

Webinar: CHRO Roundtable: 2021 Top Three HR Priorities: Talent Acquisition, Developing Leaders, Managing Labor Costs

Despite the immense change HR has experienced in 2020, the top three HR priorities have remained the same year over year. Our expert panel shares their insights on Talent...

Webinar: One Year Later, Is Remote Work Here to Stay?

Over a year into implementing work-from-home measures, organizations need to make decisions on what the future of remote work will look like in their organizations and...

Webinar: Focusing on the Whole Person Concept as a Catalyst for Change

In this webinar celebrating Excellence in HR, Harleen Hines Smith of the Houston Airport System recalls her "non-traditional" rise in different industries and what led...

The Future of Work

The future is unknown yet the decisions made today impact how successful we will be. As experts predict that work in the future will look very different than it does...

Webinar: HR 2021 Trends

The four trends defining HR's path in 2021. During this session we will go through our four trends and practical next steps HR can take.

Webinar: Adapt Your Talent Acquisition Process to a Virtual Environment

The pandemic has pushed TA to shift their processes to a virtual environment. During this webinar, we discuss how TA can adapt their process and use the shift as an...

Webinar: CHRO Roundtable: HR Wellbeing & Resilience

Our panelists will discuss HR resilience & wellbeing in their organizations.

Webinar: Systematically Develop Your HR Department

HR development is critical for HR and the success of the entire organization. During this session, we will discuss a simple process to identify the competencies your HR...
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