Organizational Design & HR Structure - Tools & Templates

Span of Control Playbook

Use this tool to capture project decisions and data for this and all future iterations of your SoC optimization process.

Span of Control Launch Tool

Use this tool to support the roll out of your span of control initative across targeted team/functional areas.

Human Resources Competency Library

This comprehensive HR competency library will help you select and develop your technical HR competencies.

HR Services: Employee Satisfaction Survey Tool

HR satisfaction surveys provide valuable feedback on the quality of your employee-facing HR services. This tool will help you measure service levels across different HR...

HR Services: Manager Satisfaction Survey Tool

HR satisfaction surveys provide valuable feedback on the quality of your management-facing HR services. This tool will help you measure service levels across different HR...

Task Analysis Framework Example

Use this example as a starting point to develop the HR Employee Task Analysis Survey.

HR Shared Services Business Case Template

Use this template to compose a compelling business case to gain executive buy-in and support for a tailored HR shared service model.

HR Shared Services Playbook

Use this tool to record HR shared services planning details and decisions.

Process Mapping Guide

Use this guide to understand process mapping best practices.

Job Description Writing Guide

Use this template to outline the appropriate guidelines for managers using the tailored templates to populate job descriptions.
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