Storyboard: Train Managers to Negotiate

Author(s): Lori Kantymir, Michelle Cooper, Carissa Palmer


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Most managers go into a negotiation unprepared and unaware of the process, which can make it difficult to end a negotiation successfully and create unwanted costs for the business. Use this storyboard to understand how negotiation training can help, how to use the McLean & Company Training deck, and how to prepare, implement, and follow up on training sessions.

This research will help you:

  • Understand why enhancing manager negotiation skills is important.
  • Make the case to stakeholders to implement training.
  • Prepare for and implement training using McLean & Company’s Manager Training Deck.
  • Follow up after training to measure the impact of results on employees and the organization.

With training, managers will contribute to the organizational bottom line as a result of more successful negotiations, and will improve their own productivity and work environment because of more confidence in their ability to bargain.

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