
Prepare for External Risks Storyboard

Organizations focus on operational and financial risks, often without considering the impact on talent. Proactively assessing risks allows the talent function to prepare...

Build an Employee Referral Program Storyboard

Many organizations currently have a referral program, but are unsatisfied with the results. Unlock the potential of employee referrals to provide a great employee and...

Overcome the Challenges of Project Management Learning Resource

HR professionals can use this guide to learn tactical solutions manage common project management barriers, by leveraging their influence and effective communication.

Build an Employee Mentoring Program Storyboard

Many organizations introduce mentoring programs as a solution to a problem in the organization, but separate employee groups have different mentoring needs. This means...

Organizational Retirement Preparation Guide Storyboard

Use this guide to curate resources to effectively manage retirements before, during, and after they happen.

Optimize Span of Control Storyboard

Striving to optimize span of control, or the number of direct reports assigned to a manager, is an important part of the organizational design strategy. Use this...

Build a Change Sustainment Plan Storyboard

Organizations need to plan for change sustainment beyond the launch of the change. Involve key leaders in sustainment planning from the start, as leaders need to lead...

Navigate the "Adopt Risk-Taking and Management Strategies" Learning Guide for HR

This learning resource provides HR professionals with the necessary context around leadership's struggles about risk taking and management, instructions for sharing and...

Adopt Risk-Taking and Management Strategies – Learning Guide

HR professionals should share this guide with leaders of leaders to provide tangible ideas on how they can approach risk taking and management as an ongoing, dynamic...

Training Deck: How to Be an Ally

Use this training deck to introduce employees to allyship concepts and behaviors. Customize this training deck with your organization's D&I initiatives to help employees...
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