Write Effective Job Descriptions

Improve hiring effectiveness, bolster performance management, and ease compensation planning with robust job descriptions.


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Inaccurate or non-existent job descriptions can cause a variety of ill effects, including:

  • Low quality hires.
  • Inaccurate performance appraisal.
  • Inequitable or off-market compensation.
  • Misguided succession planning.
  • A lack of job clarity, resulting in employee disengagement, low performance commitment, and high turnover.

Job descriptions allow you to:

  • Clearly communicate job expectations to candidates, thereby boosting quality of hire and reducing costly new hire turnover.
  • Clearly communicate job expectations to employees, thereby boosting engagement, performance commitment, and organizational commitment.
  • Create a solid foundation for talent decisions in all facets of HR, including recruitment, performance management, succession planning, compensation, and more.
  • Protect the organization against legal claims of inequality or discrimination by clearly and consistently articulating job requirements; not only does this mitigate or even eliminate damages, it also protects the organizational brand.

Book Your Workshop

Workshops are a great way to accelerate your project. Our highly skilled facilitators take you through key phases of your project and ensure your team has the guidance needed to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Make the Case & Prepare to Write Job Descriptions

The Purpose

  • Make the case for a standard approach to job description creation and maintenance.
  • Enable measurement of job description project success.
  • Create a template for use in the creation of all job descriptions.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Gathered data to measure job description program success.
  • Created a project team and customized the job description templates.
  • Clarified the role of job descriptions in complying with labor laws.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Determine data points to track project success.
  • Plan measures for use in the Metric Tracking Tool.
1.2 Create a project team for the crafting of job descriptions.
  • Set the project team for job description completion.
1.3 Determine if you need competencies in your job descriptions.
  • Begin to customize the Job Description Template.
1.4 Make a plan for job description storage and retention.
  • Document your approach to job description storage and retention.

Module 2: Populate Individual Job Descriptions

The Purpose

  • Gather internal and/or external job information.
  • Review and customize the job description template.
  • Establish administration guidelines.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Gathered job information to assist your creation of individual job descriptions.
  • Gained advice for completing all the fields of the job description.
  • Drafted a process for completing job descriptions.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Determine the internal and external data that will be used to gather job information.
  • Prioritize job information sources.
2.2 Review the job description template and gain tips for effectively completing them.
  • Complete customization of the Job Description Template.
2.3 Customize and finalize your job description template.
2.4 Establish manager process guidelines.
  • Write manager process guidelines including: responsibility, approval process, governing laws and regulations; and planned activities and milestones.

Module 3: Plan for Ongoing Success

The Purpose

  • Design a communication plan.
  • Create and customize manager training material.
  • Set rules around job description review.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Determined and outlined any necessary job description training and communication.
  • Identified a timeline and key triggers for job description review.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Create and customize manager training material on effectively completing job descriptions.
  • Training Deck: Train Managers to Write Effective Job Descriptions
3.2 Identify changes in PESTL environmental factors that could impact job descriptions.
  • Create a timeline for job description reviews and refreshes.