Evaluate & Optimize the Social Media Recruiting Plan

A data-driven sales approach is needed for success in the social world; evaluate current initiatives to ensure SMR practices are optimal.

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Without proper use of social media for recruiting, your organization may be:

  • Using the incorrect sites for target candidates
  • Failing to engage candidates by not treating them as customers
  • Losing out on passive candidates to more social-media-savvy organizations

By using McLean & Company’s social media recruiting research, your organization will:

  • Recruit from the desired candidate pool by fishing where the fish are
  • Increase organization referrals and second-time applications
  • Decrease average time-to-fill and recruitment costs

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Workshops are a great way to accelerate your project. Our highly skilled facilitators take you through key phases of your project and ensure your team has the guidance needed to complete your project successfully.

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Module 1: Assess Current SMR Efforts

The Purpose

  • Evaluate and understand current organizational efforts.
  • Prioritize focus areas for SMR. 

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Current practices are understood and documented.
  • Areas of focus are set based on SMR aspects.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Populate the SMR Scorecard Tool to evaluate your current SMR efforts.
  • Assessed and documented current SMR practices
1.2 Analyze the SMR Scorecard Tool results and prioritize areas of focus.
  • Prioritized top areas of focus across the different aspects of SMR

Module 2: Identify Objectives and Set Metrics

The Purpose

  • Determine the program objectives.
  • Create a baseline to measure results through benchmarks. 

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Organizational objectives are determined and a goal strategy is set.
  • Project metrics are set.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Establish high-level program objectives.
  • Explored short- and long-term SMR objectives
2.2 Set benchmarks and take baseline measurements.
  • Set project metrics to optimize your SMR evaluation process

Module 3: Optimize SMR Channel Usage and Account Management

The Purpose

  • Understand who and what your candidate pool is.
  • Determine content mix and consistency of SMR profiles.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Determine which SMR sites and content your organization will continue with.
  • Created a plan for content management.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Identify your target candidate pool and determine which sites they frequent.
  • Defined candidate pool(s)
3.2 Identify the content mix that will drive your social media activity.
  • Defined SMR content mix to support optimization of SMR channel usage
3.3 Create guidelines to ensure your SMR profiles are complete and consistent.
  • Ensured consistency and optimal account management across all channels