Develop an Integrated People Strategy

An integrated people strategy not only supports but drives organizational goals, maximizing the human capital’s contribution to the bottom line.


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Without a people strategy, the organization will not:

  • Bridge the gaps between the HR function and organizational goals.
  • Have a strategic HR department seen as effective.

By implementing and developing a people strategy, the organization will:

  • Gain a unique competitive advantage.
  • Increase organizational success through better alignment of HR and the organization.

Book Your Workshop

Workshops are a great way to accelerate your project. Our highly skilled facilitators take you through key phases of your project and ensure your team has the guidance needed to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Understand Organizational Goals and Determine People Strategy

The Purpose

  • Determine goals across the organization.
  • Create a people strategy specific to the organization.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Goals are set.
  • People strategy is developed.
  • Future state descriptions are determined.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Determine top organizational goals.
  • Organizational goals set.
1.2 Conduct a PESTLE analysis.
  • PESTLE analysis conducted.
1.3 Create a people strategy.
  • People strategy determined.
1.4 Establish your people strategy’s desired future state in greater detail.
  • Future state descriptions created.

Module 2: Conduct People Strategy Gap Analysis

The Purpose

  • Evaluate the current state of the organization regarding people strategy.
  • Understand where stakeholder management stands.
  • Identify and analyze gaps.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Current state is identified and understood.
  • Stakeholder management feedback is collected.
  • Gaps are analyzed.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Analyze stakeholder management feedback and additional employee data.
  • Gathered and understood stakeholder management feedback and data.
2.2 Complete a SWOT analysis.
  • SWOT analysis conducted.
2.3 Evaluate people strategy current state.
  • Current state identified.
2.4 Identify what is needed to sustain the current state.
  • Approaches for maintenance of current state are determined.
2.5 Analyze gaps and identify areas of growth within your people strategy.
  • Gaps are analyzed and areas of growth are pinpointed.

Module 3: Evaluate HR Departmental Capabilities

The Purpose

  • Communicate the desired HR future state.
  • Determine where the HR department currently is.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Future state is outlined.
  • HR department’s current state is realized and gaps are determined.

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Describe the HR department’s future state you are striving to be.
  • Outline of required future state of HR department completed.
3.2 Assess your HR department’s current state and analyze gaps.
  • HR department’s gap analysis determined.

Module 4: Develop an Action Plan

The Purpose

  • Assess the impact of the people strategy initiatives.
  • Determine the effort required for initiatives.
  • Create an action and communication plan and follow-up measures.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Impact of initiatives is understood.
  • Effort for initiatives is ranked.
  • Action and communication plans are created.
  • A monitoring process for people strategy is created.

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Assess your people strategy initiatives’ impact.
  • Level of impact of initiatives and metrics assessed.
4.2 Assess the required effort for people strategy initiatives.
  • Initiatives determined on a scale of low, medium, and high effort.
4.3 Chart and prioritize people initiatives.
  • Prioritized list of people initiatives.
4.4 Create a people action plan.
  • Action plan for prioritized initiatives created.
4.5 Complete your people strategy communications plan.
  • Communication plan determined.
4.6 Set plan to revisit and measure progress.
  • Process/plan to monitor and update the people strategy created.