Modernize Performance Management

Traditional performance management doesn’t work – shift to an approach that’s tailored to your organization’s context.

Book This Workshop

Without moving on from traditional performance appraisals in favor of a modern approach, organizations:

  • Are not helping employees understand how to improve performance.
  • Continue to give backward-looking feedback.
  • Create a disconnect with employees, resulting in disengagement and turnover.

By implementing a modern performance appraisal, organizations:

  • Provide more accurate, motivating performance assessments that include employee self-assessment.
  • Review both backward- and forward-looking feedback.
  • Reduce the feeling of stress in employees from unclear expectations.

Book Your Workshop

Workshops are a great way to accelerate your project. Our highly skilled facilitators take you through key phases of your project and ensure your team has the guidance needed to complete your project successfully.

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Module 1: Prepare to Customize the PM Framework

The Purpose

  • Assess the current state of the PM framework and identify challenges, goals, and metrics.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Current-state assessment across PM building blocks
  • PM goals and metrics identified
  • Changes identified to PM process

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Assess the existing PM framework and identify challenges.
  • Current-state assessment
1.2 Define the organization’s PM goals and metrics.
  • Goals and metrics
1.3 Tailor the PM process.
  • Tailored PM process

Module 2: Customize the PM Framework

The Purpose

  • Clarify the approach to goal management competencies and feedback and coaching.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Approach to goal management defined
  • Role of competencies in PM identified
  • Feedback and coaching activities selected

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Clarify the approach to goal management.
  • Goal setting, competency, and feedback and coaching building blocks customized
2.2 Define the role that competencies will play in PM.
2.3 Assess current feedback and coaching activities.

Module 3: Customize the PM Framework

The Purpose

  • Determine the role of crowdsourced feedback and ratings and calibration meetings.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Role of crowdsourced feedback determined
  • Rating scales are developed
  • Plan for calibration meetings established

Activities: Outputs:
3.1 Determine whether crowdsourced feedback will be used.
  • Crowdsourced feedback and ratings building blocks customized
3.2 Determine if ratings will be used and develop a rating scale.
3.3 Plan for calibration meetings.
  • Approach to calibration defined

Module 4: Align New PM Framework

The Purpose

  • Evaluate the alignment of HR practices with PM and confirm accountabilities for key stakeholders.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Plan for alignment with HR practices established
  • Stakeholder accountabilities confirmed

Activities: Outputs:
4.1 Evaluate the alignment of other HR practices with PM.
  • Action items to align HR practices with new PM framework identified
4.2 Confirm key accountabilities for key stakeholders.
  • Stakeholder accountabilities confirmed

Module 5: Next Steps and Wrap-Up

The Purpose

  • Plan to respond to pushback and customize performance review and PIP template, and develop a communication plan.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Plan to respond to pushback established
  • Performance review and PIP template customized
  • Action and communication plan drafted

Activities: Outputs:
5.1 Prepare to respond to pushback.
5.2 Customize performance review and PIP templates.
  • Customized performance review and PIP templates
5.3 Develop an action and communication plan.
  • Action and communication plan created