Foster an Effective Feedback Environment

Bolster your organization’s success by training employees to effectively give, ask for, receive, and act on feedback.


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A poor feedback environment results in:

  • Employees not being encouraged to give, ask for, receive, or act on feedback.
  • Employees not having the skills, tools, or techniques to engage in feedback.

Fostering an effective feedback environment results in:

  • Better relationships between all groups in the organization.
  • Increased employee engagement, enhanced innovation, increased recognition, and a positive impact on the bottom line.

Book Your Workshop

Workshops are a great way to accelerate your project. Our highly skilled facilitators take you through key phases of your project and ensure your team has the guidance needed to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Assess the Feedback Environment

The Purpose

  • Rationalize the need for fostering an effective feedback environment.
  • Assess how effective the current environment is for feedback.
  • Determine how feedback drivers in the organization help or harm the environment.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Identification of objectives for fostering a feedback environment.
  • Consensus on evaluation of how effective the feedback environment is.
  • Understanding of what drives a feedback environment and what an effective environment looks like.
  • Identification of how feedback drivers impact the environment.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Identify your unique objectives for fostering a feedback environment.
  • Desired impact of the project on organizational goals.
1.2 Use the Organizational Feedback Diagnostic to assess the feedback environment of your organization.
  • Completed assessment of the feedback environment.
1.3 Brainstorm how current job drivers help or harm the feedback environment.
  • List of how job drivers help or harm the feedback environment.
1.4 Brainstorm how current organization drivers help or harm the feedback environment.
  • List of how organization drivers help or harm the feedback environment.

Module 2: Design Initiatives and Plan for Operationalization

The Purpose

  • Create initiatives to foster a feedback environment.
  • Prepare for feedback training.
  • Plan communication and how to follow up.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Understanding of how to formulate initiative and cover technology.
  • Development of initiatives to tackle feedback driver development areas.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Review results and recommendations from the Organizational Feedback Diagnostic.
  • Understanding of direction on what to cover with initiatives.
2.2 Build feedback driver initiatives.
  • Initiative list to foster a feedback environment.
2.3 Customize the training deck.
  • Ready-to-administer training deck.
2.4 Plan out logistics for the training session.
  • Determination of the who, what, where, and when for feedback training.
2.5 Set metrics and plan for how to collect them.
  • List of metrics to measure success and impact of training on learning, behavior, and organization results.
2.6 Draft the communication plan.
  • Plan for how to inform executives, managers, and employees of feedback initiatives and/or training.
2.7 Customize the employee follow-up survey.
  • Ready-to-deploy list of questions to check in on employees 6-12 months after training.