Total Rewards - Blueprints

Build a Total Rewards Statement

A significant amount of employees lack understanding of the actual value of their Total Rewards package. Communicating the Total Rewards offering to potential candidates...
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Design an Employee Volunteer Program

People want to work for socially responsible organizations, and candidates evaluate employers based on their community involvement. Employee volunteer programs present...
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Develop a Job Architecture Framework

Without a structured approach, job titles can cause significant headaches over the long-term. Create a consistent approach to job titling that supports internal equity...

Equip Managers to Reinforce Behavior With Employee Recognition

When employees feel recognized, it positively impacts engagement. However, with so many items on managers’ to-do lists, recognition often falls to the wayside. Help...
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The Rise of Organizational Transparency

Use this resource to review the benefits and risks of transparency, the levels of McLean’s transparency spectrum, organizational readiness criteria for improving...

Employee Bonus Guide

There is no one-size-fits-all approach when designing a bonus program. Download our research guide and learn how to create the right employee bonus program.
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Build a Total Rewards Strategy

Compensation and benefits alone are not enough to motivate, engage, and retain employees. Use our research to create a holistic Total Rewards strategy.
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Create a Holistic Employee Wellbeing Program

Employee wellbeing is critical for organizational success. To leverage your wellbeing program's full potential, ensure there is uptake and awareness among employees.
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Reconceptualize Job Descriptions

Simplify both the template and the process to transform job descriptions into living documents that drive stakeholder value.
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Craft a Compensation Philosophy

Employee compensation often comprises the majority of an organization’s ongoing operating expenses, yet few organizations have plans in place to direct and control this...
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