This tool will enable you to capture key information in one place while developing the 360 Feedback process.
Use this guide to help debriefers coach ratees through the results of their 360 Feedback assessment.
Follow this guide to make the decisions necessary to set up, launch, and collect feedback from McLean & Company’s 360 Feedback diagnostic.
Use this worksheet to help employees analyze 360 Feedback results, and determine areas they can build upon and areas to address.
Use this job aid to guide employees through their 360 feedback results and using this feedback to find areas to target with development efforts.
This comprehensive competency-based question collection provides a list of behavioral questions that help the talent acquisition specialist and hiring manager interview...
The Interview Guide Template will help you plan for and execute a structured interview process.
The Competency Template allows you to document all information pertaining to a given competency in one place, thus making storage and reference easier in the future.