Tools & Templates

HR Policy Needs and Priority Assessment Tool

Use this tool to perform a needs assessment as the first step to tackling the development of new policies or overhauling an existing policy portfolio.

Employee Career Development Workbook

Use this template to create a guide for both employees and managers to help ensure the success of employee-driven career paths.

HR Shared Services Playbook

Use this tool to record HR shared services planning details and decisions.

Policy Receipt Acknowledgement Template

Use this form to receive acknowledgement of distributed policies from new or current employees.

Strategy Discovery Tool

Use this tool to identify your knowledge gaps that will help ensure the talent strategy is focused on the right priorities, and pinpoint the relevant activities and...

Leadership SWOT Analysis Template

Use this template to conduct a SWOT analysis and evaluate the organization's current state of leadership.

Flexible Succession Planning Tracking Tool

Use this tool to group critical roles, create role group profiles, fill talent pools for each role group, and assess employee readiness to assume a role within the role group.

Change FAQ Template

Use this template to outline a list of frequently asked questions for leaders who will spearhead the change.

Discovery Interview Guide

Use this guide to find interviewing tips and sample questions that can be used during discovery interviews to gain employee perspectives.

Change Assessment Tool

Use this tool to assess the upcoming change and to identify areas of strength and opportunity.
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