
Employee Manual

A basic manual that contains general policies and procedures that affect all employees is a fundamental tool in any organization. While ownership of the Employee Manual...

Employee Handbook Template

An employee handbook is a valuable resource that provides one-stop access to key organizational policies and procedures for everyone in the organization.

Hiring Policy

The hiring process is a potential employee's first exposure to your organization. The efficiency and quality of that process will permanently influence how they view the...

Corporate Social Media Acceptable Use Policy

As social media becomes prevalent for personal and business use, organizations must create policies surrounding the use of corporate social media for business purposes.

Onboarding Policy

A new hire's first days of employment determine their first impression of the organization. A well-organized onboarding process helps ensure it is a positive one, driving...

Corporate Communications Policy Template

A Corporate Communications Policy seeks to promote a positive brand image, consistent with an organization’s business vision and mission. This document serves to define...

Employee Romantic Relationships Policy

Employer must be vigilant about the possible conflicts of interests and tension in the workplace which may results from personal relationships between employees. Use this...

Benefits Policy

Benefits are a powerful tool for attracting and retaining high-quality talent. Therefore, it's in the best interests of every organization to offer some sort of benefits...

Retirement Policy

Retirement is an important transition for both the departing employee and the organization. A well-planned retirement policy will save you time and grief in the long run.

Paid Time-Off Policy

The Paid Time Off (PTO) Policy is used as a replacement for vacation and sick leave policies. It gives employees more autonomy over when and why they take time off and...
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