Learning & Development - Tools & Templates
Leadership Development Business Case TemplateDevelop an effective business case for a tailored approach to leadership development to gain executive buy-in and support. |
Leadership Development TemplateUse this template to document key pieces during the creation of the leadership development plan. |
Leadership Development PlaybookUse this tool to identify gaps in current learning content and map out a plan of action for designing an impactful leadership development program. |
Leadership Development ROI CalculatorUse this tool to evaluate the impact of leadership development ROI and compare program costs and benefits. |
Move Toward Neuro-Friendly HR Practices InfographicUse this infographic to ensure your HR practices are increasingly and consistently neuro-friendly. |
Team Charter TemplateThis template should be used to create a charter for your team. The charter formally outlines details including the team’s objectives, team membership, team ground rules,... |
Leadership Development Program Cost-Benefit Analysis ToolThis tool is designed to help you calculate the hard costs and benefits of your leadership development program. The results of a comprehensive financial analysis will... |
Employee Performance Measures TemplateThe Employee Performance Measures Template provides an all-in-one tool for tracking your departmental goals, employee performance measures, reporting requirements, and... |
ROI Calculator for Corporate TrainingAlthough it requires the consideration of both known facts and unknown future circumstances, quantifying the ROI of training is very useful in determining the expected... |