Leadership Development - Tools & Templates

People Manager Conversation Template: Unsuccessful High-Potential Candidates

Use this template to help people managers navigate conversations with employees who have not been selected to participate in the high-potential program.

Learning Methods Catalog

Use this catalog to explore and understand common learning methods and their ideal uses.

Manager Learning Path Tool

Use this tool to establish a learning path for manager development program participants.

Middle Manager Self-Assessment Tool

Use this tool to help managers own their personal development through self-assessment.

Coach Employees for High Performance & Development Participant Handbook

Use this handbook as a reference for managers to find and capture essential information during and after the coaching training session.

Role Plays: Coach Employees for High Performance and Development

Use these role plays during coaching training to give managers the opportunity to practice coaching skills in realistic scenarios.

Coaching Training Session Feedback Form

Use this evaluation form to gather participant feedback on training at the conclusion of the session in order to improve content and facilitation of future sessions.

Training and Development Program ROI Analysis Tool

Use this tool to calculate the costs and benefits of training and development programs to demonstrate if, and to what extent, an ROI is being achieved.

Plan and Deliver Effective Manager Training Guide

Use this guide to improve the delivery of manger training programs.

Knowledge Check: Define a Leadership Identity

Use this knowledge check to help assess retainment of the leadership identity training content.
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