HR Strategy

Task Analysis Framework Example

Use this example as a starting point to develop the HR Employee Task Analysis Survey.

Change Framing Template

Use this template to document a change overview.

Change Post-Mortem Template

Use this template to record lessons learned during change implementation.

Handbook: Equip Managers to Lead Through Change

Use the participant handbook as a takeaway guide for training participants to reference during and after the Equip Managers to Lead Through Change training session.

Preparing for an Internal Talent Marketplace

Is a fundamental shift toward a skills-based talent sharing model using a talent marketplace platform right for your organization?

Plan for HR Shared Services Storyboard

HR shared service models are not one size fits all. Detailed planning will help identify which model best supports organizational needs while decreasing operational costs...

Training Deck: Train Managers to Build Key Resilience Behaviors

Today’s leaders are faced with constant change and increasing complexity. Equip your leaders to be able to better respond to this environment with an understanding of key...

HR Shared Services Business Case Template

Use this template to compose a compelling business case to gain executive buy-in and support for a tailored HR shared service model.

Optimize Span of Control Storyboard

Striving to optimize span of control, or the number of direct reports assigned to a manager, is an important part of the organizational design strategy. Use this...

Nudges: A Paradigm for HR to Influence Employee Behavior Storyboard

Employees are often unaware of the impact that biases and heuristics have on their decisions. Map out the decision-making process of employees and develop ethical nudges...
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