HR Strategy - Tools & Templates

HR Cost Optimization Workbook

Use this template to summarize and present key information related to HR department cost optimization to executives.

HR Cost Optimization Executive Presentation Template

Use this template to summarize and present key information related to HR department cost optimization to executives.

Project Level Assessment and Prioritization Tool

Use this tool to assess risk and complexity of projects and prioritize them.

List of Change Management Projects

Use this tool to provide a high-level overview and tracking of all the change projects in progress within the organization.

Handbook: Equip Managers to Navigate the Change Management Process

Use this handbook to guide learners through the change management process training.

Learning in Action: Equip Managers to Navigate the Change Management Process

Use this learning in action sheet to reinforce key points from the change management process training deck.

People Strategy Summary Template

Use this template to create a high-level summary of the people strategy for internal communications.

The Future of HR: Interview Summaries

Refer to these Future of HR interview summaries from multiple leaders in HR and beyond who share their thoughts and insights on what they anticipate will be some of the...

The Historical Evolution of HR

This resources illustrates how five drivers of change have contributed to HR's evolution across multiple eras.

The Future of HR Reflection Worksheet

Use this Future of HR Reflection Worksheet to document your thoughts and findings that will inform the future of your HR function.
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