HR Strategy - Blueprints
Types of Content
The Complete Manual for LayoffsWhen the economy is negatively influenced by factors beyond any organization's control, the impact can be felt almost immediately on the bottom line. This decline in... |
Redeploy Your Workforce During a CrisisMake the most of your workforce in a time of crisis by following McLean & Company’s process to initiate employee redeployment efforts and reduce costs. |
HR Trends Report 2023Explore the trends that will influence HR in 2023 and beyond as determined by over 1,000 human resources and business professionals in McLean & Company’s HR Trends Report... |
Reconceptualize Job DescriptionsSimplify both the template and the process to transform job descriptions into living documents that drive stakeholder value. |
Plan for HR Shared ServicesLimited resources are putting pressure on HR departments to improve their efficiency. At the same time, HR needs to deliver more strategic value, provide data on the... |
Neuroscience and HRBuild evidence-based HR practices that work with the brain, not against it, to gain credibility with stakeholders and drive business results. |
Navigate the Change Management ProcessDownload McLean & Company’s training solution set to build your change management strategies and confidently lead and support changes at your organization. |
The Future of HRHow HR leaders can navigate uncertainty and prepare their HR function for the future. |
Build a Change Sustainment PlanOrganizations invest a lot resources into change initiatives, but don’t see the return on investment. Download our research guide to develop sustainable change. |
Optimize Span of ControlContrary to popular belief, widening the span of control by reducing the number of managers does not always correlate to cost savings. There is no magic number when it... |