
Return-to-Office Sample Survey Questions List

Use this tool to create an employee survey for RTO.

Return-to-Office Employee FAQ Template

See this template for sample answers to employees' frequently asked questions on return-to-office. Customize the document to suit your organization.

Employee Value Proposition Workbook

Drafting a strong EVP requires multiple steps and iteration. Use the Employee Value Proposition Workbook to plan for and document the outcomes of each step.

EVP Scorecard

Use this tool to discover areas of the EVP that require revision before it is launched to market.

Guide to Navigating the McLean Connect Dashboard

Use this guide to learn how to drill down into McLean survey results.

Vision and Mission Guide

Leverage this guide to create memorable vision and mission statements that describe the organization's reason for existing in an inspiring way.

Vision and Mission Scorecard

Use this scorecard to assess the strength of the vision and mission statements.

Case Study: Psychological Safety

Refer to this case study for an example of how an organization developed psychological safety among its employees.

Training Deck: How to Be an Ally

Use this training deck to introduce employees to allyship concepts and behaviors. Customize this training deck with your organization's D&I initiatives to help employees...

Implement and Sustain Cultural Integration Post-Merger or Acquisition Executive Briefing

Use this briefing to make the case for a strategic approach to cultural integration after a merger or acquisition.
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