Adopt Change Management Techniques to Lead the Organization Through Change

Develop HR as the change facilitator to ensure that bad change doesn't derail good projects.


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Failing to appropriately manage change causes:

  • Wasted resources as projects must be re-launched.
  • Change fatigue, as employees are exhausted and burnt out by the constant change.
  • Skeptical employees who doubt the sincerity of change.
  • Increased employee turnover.
  • Bored employees who are uninterested in the change.
  • Reduced employee engagement and productivity.

Effective change management results in:

  • Optimized organizational performance.
  • Improved staff perception of executives and managers.
  • Improved employee performance.

Book Your Workshop

Workshops are a great way to accelerate your project. Our highly skilled facilitators take you through key phases of your project and ensure your team has the guidance needed to complete your project successfully.

Module 1: Prepare for Change

The Purpose

  • Make the case for effective change management.
  • Identify a steering committee and change leader.
  • Develop a vision and project charter.
  • Identify metrics.
  • Complete the impact assessment.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • Identified organizational change competencies.
  • Established a change management steering committee.
  • Change vision, goals, and metrics are selected and aligned.
  • Assessed the impact of the change.
  • Communication principles designed.

Activities: Outputs:
1.1 Perform Change Management Competencies Assessment.
  • Understanding of the change management competencies of the organization.
1.2 Identify key change management stakeholders to establish the change management steering committee.
  • Change Management Steering Committee established.
1.3 Create a clear vision for the change.
  • Completed change vision.
1.4 Complete the Change Impact Assessment.
  • Completed impact assessment.
1.5 Create communication principles for your change initiative.
  • Completed communication principles.
1.6 Establish key messages and language.
  • Identified key messaging and language.

Module 2: Design, Implement, and Sustain Change

The Purpose

  • Complete the Manager Training Deck: Lead Staff Through Change.
  • Develop a high-level action and communication plan.
  • Determine methods for recognizing small wins.
  • Discuss tactics to maintain and sustain change.
  • Identify progress and lessons learned.
  • Complete the Change Management Competencies Assessment to identify areas of improvement.

Key Benefits Achieved

  • In-depth understanding of the training that will be provided to managers.
  • Comprehensive understanding of how to guide managers through the creation of the action plan, communication plan, and methods for celebrating wins.
  • Tactics to sustain change.
  • Identified potential lessons learned and how to overcome them.

Activities: Outputs:
2.1 Manager Training: Lead Staff through Change
  • Knowledge of the manager training deck.
2.2 Develop an action plan and assign accountability for implementing the change.
  • Action plan developed.
2.3 Document a communication plan.
  • Communication plan documented.
2.4 Determine methods for celebrating early successes and small wins.
  • Small wins recognition methods identified.
2.5 Conduct a post-mortem on the change.
  • Post-mortem completed.