Job Analysis Project Planning & Monitoring Tool

Author(s): Amanda Stirling, Susanna Hunter

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It is essential that projects be organized and tracked in order to stay on top of deadlines, resourcing, and budgeting. Job analysis is no different. This tool assists in organizing and monitoring the status of a job analysis project. By using the task planning section, project milestones and tasks can accurately be planned out. Once the project begins, real-time progress is tracked and the status of the implementation is monitored against the set baselines.

This simple tool assists with:

  • Documenting details of the job analysis project, including the purpose(s), who is involved, and which methods will be used.
  • Organizing project work.
  • Planning tasks, including assigning resources and milestones to tasks.
  • Monitoring ongoing project activity.
  • Tracking of key issues.
  • Monitoring the project against set baselines.

Manage a job analysis project with confidence. Assign resources and track the completion status of a variety of different, mission critical tasks throughout the job analysis process.

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